It can be stressful working in a call center and handling phone calls all day. Once in a while you will receive a disgruntled caller. Keep in mind that the person calling is not mad at you, he is mad at the situation. Here are a few techniques that will help you handle challenging situations.
Learn some stress management techniques. You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others.
Hang a mirror near your phone. Notice how you look when you are talking on the phone. A smile comes through in all you do.
Listen. Allow the caller to vent. Do not interrupt the caller when he/she is explaining the situation to you.
Refer to the caller by name. Mrs. Jones, I’m her to help you solve your problem.
Apologize swiftly. Own your mistake, apologize and move on.
Use empathy, it shows you care. I understand that you are upset. I understand that you are frustrated.
Stay calm. The sound of your voice is critical to your success. If a caller is yelling at you, do not raise your voice. Let the caller vent and then calmly respond.
Use positive language. Tell the caller what you can do, not what you can’t do. Tell the caller how you are going to fix their problem and find a solution. Compensate the caller when appropriate. Give the caller hope.
Use assertive language when needed. Mrs. Smith, I will help you as soon as you stop cursing at me.
Thank the caller for allowing you to handle the complaint. Every complaint is an opportunity to do something better.
Follow up with the caller. Initiate a follow up phone call to make sure that the problem has been taken care of or the situation has improved.