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Step Up to Leadership

Updated: Nov 17, 2023

My new book is available! It is full of stories and examples from leaders who I have had the pleasure of working with. One of the leaders who I mention in the book is Michael Gilfeather, CEO of Orange Bank and Trust. Orange Bank and Trust is an organization on the move. They are opening up new branches, offering client appreciation programs, and educating their clients. On May, 17, 2023 there will be as program, Women Guiding Women, at the Stage Coach Inn in Goshen, NY starting at 5:00PM. I am one of the speakers and everyone who attends will receive a Step Up to Leadership book. Anna Gibbs will also be sharing her expertise and Maureen Halahan will receive the first annual Inspiring Leaders Award. If you are interested, RSVP by May5, 2023 to We expect a full house for this fabulous event!

Step Up to Leadership
Now available on Amazon



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