Today’s healthcare system is different from years ago. There are patient portals, telehealth, EMR’s, Web MD, and wearable technology to monitor vital signs. Healthcare professionals are required to be flexible, knowledgeable, efficient, and provide quality care every day with every patient interaction which is not an easy task.
Last week, I had the privilege of speaking to a group of nurses at the American Nurse Association New York conference about improving the patient experience. I am not a healthcare professional, I am a patient who was misdiagnosed by an Emergency Room physician and sent home after having a stroke. Luckily for me, I recovered and share my story whenever I can. During the program, I shared four puzzle pieces for improving the patient experience.
Having the right people. People who are competent and personable. This is challenging since there is a nursing shortage and a lot of nurses left after COVID.
Having good processes. It shouldn't take six hours for a patient to get moved from the Emergency Room to a hospital room.
Having a good work environment where employees are appreciated and thanked.
Having state of the art products and services for the customer (the patient).
I really enjoyed speaking to NY nurses, the audience was engaged and I received some positive testimonials!
"Please keep your survivor story alive! This was by far the best kickoff for any convention I have attended. Many thanks!"
If you know of any healthcare organization that is looking for a conference speaker, give me a call.
Improve the Patient Experience